Veritas means “truth” or “reality” in Latin. The English words very and verity, among others, are derived from it. At the core of our functionality, is our earnest intent to exhibit and execute what the Psalmist sees as the “desire” of God for us and from us - “truth in the inward parts.” (Ps 51:6a)
The communal paradigm's foundation comes from Acts 2, where we see, not just the birthing of the church but, moreso the birthing of Her ethos – OUR ETHOS!
Being COMMUNICABLE (v1-11) – One of the hallmarks of culture is language; communication. We will be intentional in our communication across all ethnologies, educational and economic statuses. This involves the skill of listening to understand that will in turn help in being understood. Whether you have a GED or PhD – 1M in the bank or your account is in the negative; We HEAR you. We SEE you. We are present WITH you.
Doing COMMUNITY (v40-43) – More than just “fellowship” but, the fostering of human connectedness. Shared experiences, expressions and expansions – no EXCLUSIONS. We will learn that our diversity doesn’t have to breed division, but in can enhance the vision, viability and vitality of all involved.
Sharing COMMONWEALTH (v44-45) – “Having ALL things in common” – this is the crux of our existence. Ensuring that every member of the community has what they need for operational excellence that is relative to their ministry and their life. In doing this the atmosphere of competition and comparison diminish! Equal distribution of resources and opportunities, along with solidifying in the hearts and minds of all, that they matter and have a safe place in this community.
Having COMMUNION (v46-48) – The culmination of all of the above stated ends with a sense of COMMON-UNION! Theological, cultural, personal and spiritual UNION – with God and eachother in His Christ whose name is Jesus! We want to embody the historical phraseology, “E pluribus unum” – out of many ONE! But, under the answered prayer of Christ, “ 20 I am not asking on behalf of them alone, but also on behalf of those who will believe in Me through their message, 21that all of them may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I am in You. (John 17:20, 21) It is in this "Oneness" where the culmination of our communion results in "praising God and having favor with ALL people.”
This is the Communal Concept. This is how we are building an Uncommon COMMUNE !
The Commune exists to equip, empower and encourage churches and ministries to execute in relative excellence through education, evaluation and engagement.
The Commune seeks to set and maintain a holistic standard of worship.
A Covenant of mutual prayer & accountability

"Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God's gift of Himself."
- Mother Theresa
Prayer and accountability are at the foundation of what it means to be covered. Engagement with God and eachother are the perfect formula for success in an organization.
Accountability is not about exposing and expressing what was done wrong. However, it's the accepting of responsibility (willingly) for one's actions. This can be done in a positive light or a challenging/constructive light. Either way, this singular trait is part of the formula for an effective relationship for positive progression and production.
Through P & A "The Commune" and it's leadership, look to support it's churches and para-church ministries through effectual coverage (prayer) and engaging conversations (accountability).
The Executive Presbytery
This aggregation of episcopates to laity, serves the Commune as the governing authority and leadership resource. This Presbytery provides counsel and accountability to the members to ensure the principles and standards are upheld, as well as the promotion of synergistic success for all involved in the covenant community